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Athlete Profile
Robert Guidicipietro
School:   Class: 2016  Grade: 
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Cross Country Seasons Bests        Try Our Rankings Time Machine



2.5 Mi / 4K XC 

Cross Country 2015  SR  12:55.9
Cross Country 2013  SO  13:49.2

Spring Track Seasons Best



3200 M 

Steeple 3000 

Spring Track 2016  SR  10:09.83 10:19.30  h

Prior Season Cross Country Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
2015 Results
2.5 Mi / 4K XC 12:55.9  PR 6 CHSAA Intersectionals, Van Cortlandt 11/14/15
2013 Results
2.5 Mi / 4K XC 13:49.2   29 CHSAA Intersectional XC Championship, Van Cortlandt 11/09/13

Prior Season Winter Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date

No data available!

Prior Season Spring Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
2016 Results
3200 M 10:09.83  PR 1 Staten Island Varsity Championship, St. Joseph by the Sea 05/08/16
Steeple 3000 10:19.30   1 Staten Island Varsity Championship, St. Joseph by the Sea 05/08/16