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Athlete Profile
Linda Duverne
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Cross Country Seasons Bests        Try Our Rankings Time Machine



2.5 Mi / 4K XC 

Cross Country 2014    22:42.5
Cross Country 2013    24:48.3

Winter Track Seasons Best



600 M 

800 M 

Winter Track 15/16    02:07.07 03:07.92

Spring Track Seasons Best



200 M 

400 M 

Spring Track 2016    32.54 01:16.89

Prior Season Cross Country Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
2014 Results
2.5 Mi / 4K XC 22:42.5  PR 117 CHSAA Intersectional Championships, Van Cortlandt 11/09/14
2013 Results
2.5 Mi / 4K XC 24:48.3   121 CHSAA Intersectional XC Championship, Van Cortlandt 11/09/13

Prior Season Winter Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
15/16 Results
600 M 02:07.07  PR 23 CHSAA NY/BQ Sectionals, New York, NY 01/31/16
800 M 03:07.92  PR 58 Marine Corps Holiday Classic, New York, NY 12/29/15
600 M 02:10.56   180 Bishop Loughlin Games, Staten Island, NY 12/19/15

Prior Season Spring Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
2016 Results
200 M 32.54  PR 21 NY and BQ CHSAA Sectional Championships, Icahn Stadium 05/18/16
400 M 01:16.89  PR 11 NY and BQ CHSAA Sectional Championships, Icahn Stadium 05/18/16