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Athlete Profile
Tommy Flynn
School:   Class: 2024  Grade: Graduate
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Rankings for the Cross Country 2024 Season        Try Our Rankings Time Machine


Cross Country Seasons Bests



5K XC 

2.5 Mi / 4K XC 

Cross Country 2023  SR  17:39.1 -
Cross Country 2022  JR  16:43.8 13:18.7

Winter Track Seasons Best



1000 M 

1500 M 


3200 M 

2 Mile 

Winter Track 23/24  SR  02:39.08 04:02.23 04:18.2 09:27.97 09:21.2
Winter Track 22/23  JR  - 04:07.66 04:26.0 09:29.51 -
Winter Track 21/22  SO  - 04:16.53 04:35.1 - -

Spring Track Seasons Best




3200 M 

Steeple 2000 

Steeple 3000 

Spring Track 2024  SR  04:24.4 - 06:15.35 09:44.98  h
Spring Track 2023  JR  - 09:52.97 06:11.72 -
Spring Track 2022  SO  - - 06:22.15 -

2024 Spring Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
Steeple 3000 09:44.98   h   12 NYS Championship, Syracuse HS 06/07/24
Mile 04:24.4     PR 21 Glenn D. Loucks Games 2024, White Plains HS 05/09/24
Steeple 2000 06:15.35     2 New York Relays, Icahn Stadium 04/19/24

Prior Season Cross Country Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
2023 Results
5K XC 17:39.1   95 Federation State Meet, Bowdoin Park 11/18/23
2022 Results
5K XC 16:43.8  PR 24 Federation State Meet, Bowdoin Park 11/19/22
2.5 Mi / 4K XC 13:18.7  PR 1 Manhattan College Cross Country Invitational, Van Cortlandt 10/08/22
2.5 Mi / 4K XC 13:30.9   6 Regis Invitational, Van Cortlandt 09/17/22

Prior Season Winter Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
22/23 Results
3200 M 09:29.51   15 State Championship Meet, Ocean Breeze 03/04/23
3200 M 09:32.87   2 Stanner Games, Armory 01/15/23
1500 M 04:07.66   12 US Air Force Hispanic Games, Armory 01/06/23
Mile 04:26.0   13 US Air Force Hispanic Games, Armory 01/06/23
Mile 04:34.4   4 Coaches Hall of Fame Invitational, Armory 12/17/22
21/22 Results
1500 M 04:16.53   19 Millrose Games Trials 2022, Armory 01/12/22
Mile 04:35.1   19 Millrose Games Trials 2022, Armory 01/12/22
Mile 04:39.6   2 Energice Coaches Hall of Fame Invitational 2022, Armory 12/18/21

Prior Season Spring Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
2023 Results
3200 M 09:52.97  PR 32 Glenn D. Loucks Games 2023, White Plains HS 05/11/23
Steeple 2000 06:11.72  PR 2 The New York Relays, Icahn Stadium 04/21/23
2022 Results
Steeple 2000 06:22.15   3 New York Relays, Icahn Stadium 04/22/22