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Athlete Profile
Christan Camara
School:   Class: 2024  Grade: Graduate
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Rankings for the Cross Country 2024 Season        Try Our Rankings Time Machine


Winter Track Seasons Best



55 M 

55 HH 

60 Yard HH 

200 M 

Winter Track 23/24  SR  - 07.86 08.37 -
Winter Track 22/23  JR  - 08.25 - -
Winter Track 21/22  SO  07.05 09.24 - 25.02

Spring Track Seasons Best



100 M 

110 HH 

Spring Track 2024  SR  11.43 15.34
Spring Track 2023  JR  11.28 15.61

2024 Spring Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
100 M 11.65     57 Glenn D. Loucks Games 2024, White Plains HS 05/09/24
100 M 11.43     27 New York Relays, Icahn Stadium 04/19/24
110 HH 15.34     PR 3 New York Relays, Icahn Stadium 04/19/24
110 HH 15.51     5 New York Relays, Icahn Stadium 04/19/24

Prior Season Cross Country Results

Event Time Place Meet Date

No data available!

Prior Season Winter Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
22/23 Results
55 HH 08.25   23 State Championship Meet, Ocean Breeze 03/04/23
21/22 Results
200 M 25.02  PR 8 New Balance Games 2022, Armory 01/21/22
55 M 07.07   4 New Balance Games 2022, Armory 01/21/22
55 M 07.09   4 New Balance Games 2022, Armory 01/21/22
55 M 07.05  PR 2 Marine Corps Holiday Classic, Armory 12/28/21
55 M 07.15   3 Marine Corps Holiday Classic, Armory 12/28/21
55 HH 09.24   3 Marine Corps Holiday Classic, Armory 12/28/21
55 HH 09.28   2 Marine Corps Holiday Classic, Armory 12/28/21
55 M 07.13   18 Energice Coaches Hall of Fame Invitational 2022, Armory 12/18/21

Prior Season Spring Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
2023 Results
100 M 11.28  PR 24 Glenn D. Loucks Games 2023, White Plains HS 05/11/23
110 HH 15.61   15 Glenn D. Loucks Games 2023, White Plains HS 05/11/23
110 HH 15.87   7 The New York Relays, Icahn Stadium 04/21/23
110 HH 15.69   8 The New York Relays, Icahn Stadium 04/21/23